Saturday, August 31, 2019

Farming on a Whole New Level

Farming on a Whole New Level Although people have worked in agriculture for more than 10,000 years, advances in technology assist with maintaining and protecting land, crops, and animal. The demand to keep food prices affordable encourage those working in the agriculture industry to operate as efficiently as possible (Newman and Ruiz 33-47). Almost all people and companies in this industry have many acres of land they must maintains, and it is not always feasible for farmers to take frequent trips around the property to perform basic tasks such as watering soil in the absence of rain.The number of people – hours required to water soil manually on several thousand acres of land might result in businesses sending thousands of dollars in labor and utility costs. If the irrigation process is automated, sensors detect how much rain has fallen recently, as well as whether the soil is in need of watering. The sensors then send this data to a computer that processes in and decided whe n and how much to water.In addition to keeping the soil moist and reducing maintenance cost, computers also can utilize sensors to analyze the condition of crops in the field and determine whether pest or diseases are affecting the crop. If sensors detect pests and/or diseases, computers send a notification to the appropriate individual to take corrective action. In some cases, according to Brewster, the discovery of pests might trigger a pesticide to discharge in the affected are automatically (Agriculture: Expanding and Growing).Many farmers use technology on a daily basic to regulate soil moisture and to keep their crops pest free. With technology, farming can be much more convenient and efficient. Reference Barton, B. (2012, Feb. ). Computer in Agriculture. Agriculture Today and Tomorrow, pp. 53-86. Brewster, L. (2012, Jan. 3). Agriculture: Expanding and Growing. Retrieved Feb. 9, 2012 Newman, A. D. (2012). The Agricultural Industry Today. New York : Alabama Press. —†”————————————– [ 1 ]. Barton states that many automated home irrigation systems also are programmable and use rain sensors (67-73).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Development from birth †19 years Essay

The guide below explains what you might expect from the development of the child through various ages: Physical development: this refers to the body increasing in ability and functionality and comprises of gross motor skills (using large muscles) with movement in their legs and arms whilst also developing fine motor skills (precise use of muscles) such as the movement of fingers and toes. New born babies will lie on their backs with their head held to one side yet turn their head looking for a teat or nipple. They will have primitive reflexes such as swallowing, rooting, grasping, stepping and sucking. By 1 month old head control will be still be unsteady, and their hands will be in tight fists. Babies will grasp at objects that have touched the palm of their hands. they may turn their heads and eyes in unison and smile at familiar faces, smells or sounds, they also like to observe the face of adults at feeding time. At 3 months old they can hold a small object such as a rattle for a few seconds if placed in their hand and enjoys observing movements of their own hands and play with them, kicking their legs and waving arms. They can lift their head and turn when placed on their front. At 4 months they will use their arms to support themselves when laying on their stomachs and can turn from their back to their side. They will hold onto and shake small objects. They will, with support start sitting and will gradually sit unaided by 6 months. They will raise their hands in anticipation of being lifted. At 6 months they will roll over and push their head and chest off the floor when placed on their front. Their hand grasp is more prevalent with whole hand use to pass an object from one hand to the next. At 9 months they will start to move around either by crawling or shuffling and are able to sit alone without the need of support. They will reach out for toys when sitting and poke at small items with their index finger. They will use index and middle fingers along with their thumb in a pincer grip to hold onto small objects and will take and hold a small brick in each hand. They will lift a block but are only capable of releasing it by dropping. If a young baby is held upright they will try to make stepping movements on a firm surface. They will be startled by sudden sounds or bright lights. When hungry, in pain, need changing or comforting they will cry. In their first year they will start to move around either by crawling or shuffling and eventually try to start walking with support. They will start to demonstrate hand inclination and pick up small objects using a tidy pincer grip. They enjoy have the ability to feed themselves and will enjoy doing so, holding cups with assistance. They can click 2 cubes together and put cubes into a box after first being shown had to do so. They can understand the world around them and know who their main carers are and may possibly cry when left with someone they are not familiar with. They will wave goodbye and point at things with their fingers. At 18 months they will clumsily hold a pencil or crayon and try to write with it and use their hands skilfully to arrange and move small objects,dropping things onto the floor whilst looking to see where they are. They can walk downstairs with a held hand and push or pull toys when walking. They can now walk alone and will try to kick, throw and roll a ball. They can turn handles and pull off their shoes, they can use a spoon and hold objects with a delicate pincer grip. They can squat to pick up an object from the floor and will assist with dressing/undressing. By 24 months children can walk up and down the stairs using both feet on each step and will climb onto furniture. They can put their own shoes on and start to use their favourite hand. At 3 years old they can draw dots and circles and build a tower with 6 bricks. They can climb, run and pedal a tricycle, jump from small steps and walk upstairs on alternate feet whilst also being able to walk on tiptoe, they can also kick a ball confidently. They will be able to use the toilet alone, undo buttons and thread large beads. They will clumsily hold a pencil or crayon and try to write with it enjoying painting and drawing activities and are capable of drawing a face. They will also enjoy ‘reading’ books and having stories read to them, turning single pages in the book. They can build towers with up to 9 bricks and bridges with the bricks when shown. At 4 years old they can walk backwards following a line, run, hop throw, aim and catch a large ball. They can using scissors cut around an object and is able to copy a picture of a square. They can construct a large tower, do a 12 piece jigsaw and button/unbutton their clothes. They are now capable of brushing their own teeth. At the age of 5 years they can skip, run quickly, hit a ball with a bat. They can dress/undress themselves with ease, precisely use scissors and form letters whilst writing their own name. They will draw a person with a body, head and legs and a house. They can complete a 20 piece jigsaw. Between the ages of 6 – 7 years children will enjoy are now capable of hopping, skating roller blading, skateboarding and bike riding. They can balance on a wall or beam, build complex models and have finer control of constructing bricks, jigsaws etc. The can tie/untie laces and sew simple stitches. They will be able to do detailed drawings and take control of their pencil in a small area. Between 8 – 12 years they will greatly improve on their physical skills that are already acquired. Puberty will start at around 10 years old for girls with an increase in body strength and a sudden growth spurt. Through the ages of 13 – 19 years a child/young adults brains development will increase in line with their co-ordination and reaction times. For girls by the age of 14 puberty will be complete and periods will be starting whereas with boys puberty will be between the ages of 13 – 16 years and they will become physically stronger than girls. Social and emotional development: this refers to the development of the child’s own identity and self image. Some may want to start doing things for themselves and become more independent. They will develop a sense of their own identity. Learning to live in a family unit and with others in society is a vital part of development in which will be contributed by friends and family. In the initial few months babies will recognise familiar voices and faces, they will try to ‘people please’ and bay for attention by performing for their audience through laughter and giggles. They will enjoy playing games with others such as peek a boo. From birth to 4 weeks a baby will respond unequivocally to the main carer whilst imitating facial expressions. They will stare at shiny, bright objects At 1 month old they will look intently at carers and social smile for them by 6 weeks old. 4 months old they will try and captivate their carers attention by smiling and vocally. 6 months old they become fascinated with other babies and smile at them. They will interact differently to a variety of family members and begin to seek attention. They become more enamoured in social interaction, dependent on his/her personality and time spent with other children. They may use a comfort object such as a blanket or teddy and display a fear of strangers and separation anxieties when without the main carer. By 9 months old they recognise familiar and unfamiliar faces whilst showing stranger anxiety. They are now very curious in all around them. At 1 year old they become more demanding, emotionally temperamental and assertive. Temper tantrums may begin and they may become despondent about changes to their normal schedule. They may express their anger at being told not to do something and start to develop object continuity. They will begin to play alone. They can now distinguish between themselves and others and is aware of the emotions of other individuals yet still self obsessed with regards to their own view of the world. By 18 months they will show signs of stranger shyness and have tantrums when upset often know as the ‘terrible twos’ They have trouble understanding the concept of sharing and believe that everything is ‘mine’ They dislike changes to their routine and can be very selfish. They should now start toilet training. At 2 years old they are still reluctant to share but enjoy the company of other children and may show concern if another child becomes upset. They remain self important are starting to become emotionally stable yet still inclined to sudden mood swings. They know their own identity and are learning to have short periods of time separated from their carers such as attending nursery. At 3 years of age they become more confident and self motivated and have a greater social awareness. They may worry about not fitting in or being liked. They will play alongside others and in 2’s or 3’s, sharing ideas and being friendly to other children. They may also have ‘best friends’. They feel stable and emotionally secure and are less anxious with regards to separation. They are becoming more independent but still need the support and guidance of adults and may fear the loss of a carer. They begin to recognise themselves as an individual. They have a strong sense gender identity. Moral development does not normally occur until a child reaches the age of 3. By 4 years old children enjoy role play and dressing up activities. They start to take turns and respond to reasoning whilst enjoying their independence still need reassurance and encouragement. They understand united and competitive events. At 5 years of age they become absorbed in activities and have a positive sense of self awareness. They become concerned about ‘fitting in’ and being liked. They establish a fear of the unknown such as monsters under the bed or ghosts. Between the ages of 6 – 7 years children to form stable friendships and are very sympathetic of the other persons needs. They tend to play in separate sex groups. They are fairly self-assured and independent with an increased sense of integrity. Friendships become vital between the ages of 8 – 12 years and are mainly same sex friendships. They are anxious of how others view them and are often hesitant with regards to changes. Between the ages of 13 – 19 years puberty and body changes along with a surge in hormones can disrupt self esteem, they may want to spend more time with friends rather than with their family. They may bow to peer pressure but may also become more self assured with regards to changes in surroundings. They need to determine transitions into adulthood. Intellectual development: These are the learning skills of concentration, understanding and memory. This area of development is greatly influenced by the learning practices a child has. They may imitate others and try to find ways of behaving in play. New born babies will stare intently at their carer and cry when a basic need requires consideration. Their head and eyes will turn towards soft light and blink in reaction to bright ones. At 1 month old they will stare and follow the direction of a dangling ball whilst gazing intently at soft lights. At 3 months they track movements of both small and large objects. At 6 months old they can automatically fix their sight onto small objects nearby and reach out to hold them. They are inquisitive and become readily distracted by movements. They will watch objects fall when in range of their vision. They like to put everything into their mouth. At 9 months they will look towards the direction of falling objects. At 12 months of age they will drop objects purposely whilst watching them fall (casting) Should an object roll out of vision they will look correctly to the area it has gone to. They can distinguish familiar individuals up to 6 metres away. They begin to point at objects of interest outside at the age of 18 months and build towers of 3 cubes when first demonstrated to. They will turn pages in books although may be several at a time rather than singular, relish picture books and point to named characters and objects. They will point to various basic parts of the body. From 3 years of age they will match 2 or 3 primary colours and paint with large brushes and make basic cuts with scissors. They can copy crosses and circles and draw a person with a head. By 5 years they are capable of copying squares and a range of letters, often done with a degree of spontaneity. They can now draw a person with a body, head, arms, legs and certain aspects. They can also draw a house. Pictures will be coloured methodically. They can now name primary colours and match 10 or more of them. They can duplicate symbols, numbers and letters and can decipher between lighter and heavier objects. They understand positioning of behind, next to and in front of. They can rote count up to 20 and know the time of day for basic activities such as school time, bedtime etc. By 6 years of age they are attaining the ability to write some words freely and copy others. They can read basic books sight reading 10 or more words. They can count up to 100 and understand the concept of half and whole. They know when it is their birthday and can predict events that are happening next. Paintings and drawings are now more intricate and sophisticated. Between the ages of 6 – 8 years they develop the capability of thinking about several things at once and comprehend the use of symbols in writing and maths etc. They are more inquisitive to the workings of his/her surroundings. They enjoy participating in games and understand rules. Between 8 – 12 years they are increasingly favouring certain subjects and apply reasoning and logic to certain issues. They can read and write with confidence and are becoming more creative in their play. They learn to transfer the knowledge gained from one situation and use it productively in the next task. Ages 13 – 19 years they develop the ability to think more complexly and will query sources of information. They are becoming more aware of global activities and occurrences. They will have a clear inclination for arts and sciences. Options with regards to their future employment and further education are being explored. Communication and speech development Non verbal communication is as vital to children as it is to adults. In fact children are more likely to use it than adults. Speech is a characteristic of development that can alter greatly without any association to other developmental bearing or to the child’s intellectual being. Pre-linguistic is the term given to the stage up to approximately 12 months when a child is beginning to say its first words. Linguistic is the descriptive term given to words with meaning. Pre-linguistic stage Birth to 4 weeks a baby will cry when it’s basic needs are not being met i.e. hungry, needs changing, emotionally distressed. At 1 month old a baby may stop crying at the sound of a human voice (unless distraught) ‘freeze’ when a sound is played near to their ear, moving their head towards the sound. Coos in reaction to their carer’s voice. At 3 months old a baby becomes silent and will turn its head towards the noise of a rattle nearby and make vocal sounds when being spoken to or are alone. When 6 months old they will giggle and shriek loudly during play. They respond variably to different tones of voices. They make baby vowel sounds such as ‘goo’ ‘ga ga’ and ‘aah-aah’ They begin to react to sounds that are out of vision with the appropriate visual response. Babies will shout for attention from 9 months and vocalises for a connection. They will begin to use dual syllable words such as ‘baba’ ‘mam-mam’ and ‘dad-dad’ They duplicate adult vocal sounds like lip smacking or coughing. They can comprehend the meaning of no and bye-bye. They will have an instantaneous reaction to to a hearing test performed out of vision and behind the baby. At 1 years of age a baby will know its own name and can perceive roughly 20 words in context. They can comprehend simple messages for example close your eyes, clap hands. They will use gibberish in conversation form with majority vowel sounds. Linguistic stage 12 – 18 months, babies will use between 6 – 20 recognisable words as their first words and can understand much more of what is spoken to them. They will reverberate leading or last words in sentences. They will try to affiliate themselves in nursery rhymes and respond appropriately to simple instructions such as ‘pick up your toy’ or ‘pass me your cup’ At 18 – 24 months they begin to make basic 2 word sentences and can use more than 200 words by the age of 2 years old. Their speech will be telegraphic in that they will use key vital words but may miss out connective ones. They will refer to their own name and talk to themselves during play themed activities. Between the ages of 2 – 3 years they have a increasing expanse of dialect including plurals. They can participate in simple conversations and enjoy the repetitiveness of the their favourite stories being re told. They can now rote count to 10. Between 3 – 4 years their speech will understood by strangers and can form short, grammatically accurate sentences. Although they may still make errors of tenses they now begin to ask many questions such as why? who? and how? They can name parts of their body and also name animals. Between the years of 4 – 8 speech is more fluent and precise, they will use a more expressive language. They can inform you of their full name, address and birthday and will enjoy jokes, songs and rhymes etc. They have a increasing expanse of vocabulary – 5,000 words by the age of 5. They will recognise when an unfamiliar word is used and will question the meaning of it and can imitate correctly accents that they have heard. They can form most sounds with some residual trouble at some letter groups. From 8 years onwards the majority of children are fluent speakers, writers and readers off their own language with the enhanced use of peer influenced, de coded speech. With the autistic child I work along side I follow the guidelines of ‘P’ Levels which is a programme that gives me information on the varying categories of the developmental process’s. I then can record each and every stage my autistic pupil is at and refer to what his expectations are and also via his Individual Educational Learning Plan (IEP)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cowgirl Chocolates Essay

Her product development was based on the input of her friends and family, which represents a skewed and too small sample of the population. In addition, Marilyn is cutting out the biggest portion of her target market by naming her product Cowgirl Chocolates and making the brand label May Lillie. Therefore, the branding is not appealing to men, which constitute the biggest portion of her target market. Before spending money on advertising, a target market has to be defined and the proper channels to reach that target market. Advertising without a clearly defined target market is inefficient and wastes company resources. Giving samples will help establish a base of awareness of her product and the acquired taste but this has an inherent cost involved. Secondary Problems Marilyn’s lack of resources poses a great problem because without sufficient resources she will not be able to expand her business and increase sales. Cowgirl Chocolates lack the resources to become a large company they desire to become. Financially Cowgirl Chocolate does not have the resources to operate at full potential. The company is using revenue generated from Marilyn’s artwork, a small loan, and her personal savings to operate the company. Expenses completely overshadow her revenue of $30,000 while expenses were $50,000. This lack of funds give little to no room for promotional activity, a product that is as unique as spicy chocolates needs to have promotional abilities. Staff resources are minimal; Marilyn is the main source of production of her company. She does everything by herself, from the packaging and shipping the product to design and making the chocolate. This leaves Marilyn little time to expand to bigger ideas and meet with possible investors. She is devoting her time to the tedious work required to produce the product. Positioning of her product is the key to its success. Another problem is the distribution channels that the company uses. The lack of sales deterred Seattle Chocolates from agreeing to manage the wholesale operations for Cowgirl Chocolates. â€Å"They were not interested in taking this on at the present time†¦because they were not really sure where the market was for the product. †Marilyn also knew she had to increase sales before Seattle Chocolates would consider such an arrangement. However, the company is lacking a clear understanding of where the product should be sold, and which distribution channel will bring the greatest sales. Currently Marylin’s strategy is to directly gain placements in retail stores one after the other. Marylin does not have the expertise and connections in distribution to gain product placements in stores. Marylin is currently trying to perform all tasks that a wholesaler would do such as promotion, negotiation, matching, physical distribution and risk taking. A wholesaler would perform those tasks better, cheaper, and more efficient and effective than Marylin ever could. One example of this is Marylin not being paid for her chocolates by a local vendor and having them returned after months. Although the Cowgirl Chocolates website is responsible for a third of total sales, it lacks crucial features. The website does not have the ability to track repeat customers and does not know how customers found her website. Although Marilyn advertises on other websites and portals there is no tracking and she does not know how effective each channel is, and how many customers it brings to the site. There is no knowledge what search terms customers that found her site were using. That way there is no data on whether the Cowgirl Chocolates website is competing with other chocolate companies, spicy foods, or online gift stores. The website would be the cheapest way to gather market research and further identify a target market. An additional problem is Marilyn’s pricing strategy. Cowgirl Chocolate is premium gourmet chocolate in special packaging that makes it stand out from the rest of the competition. Furthermore, it is a new and unusual product. Marilyn states that she is unsure on how to price her product. Cowgirl Chocolate is sold in overpriced spicy food specialty stores, upscale gourmet food stores, and even the grocery stores. Marilyn could not identify a trend on how pricing affect sales. This does not come as a surprise because the product is new and customers are still unaware of it. Cowgirl Chocolates should be sold at a premium price. However, in the current stage of the product cycle the company needs to create customer trial. The way to accomplish this is to offer promotions, for example by offering in store promotions, coupons, coupons and/or mail in rebates. Again, those tasks should be handled by a wholesaler. Furthermore, Cowgirl Chocolates advertising is ineffective since there is no clear defined target market. Marilyn advertises randomly in different magazines using ads created by a friend and not a professional advertising agency. Marilyn is unsure herself if the advertisement will actually increase sales or not, even though it will cost thousands of dollars. Again, market research is missing to direct advertising to the right channels and reach the target audience, with the right ads that will increase customer trial. The company currently advertises the product year round, when it should concentrate more on advertising during the peak seasons of Christmas and Valentine’s Day. The company needs to have more product information in the advertisements. Recommendations To establish a target market we recommend that Cowgirl Chocolate should add more features to the website. The website should be able track how customers found the website, track orders and repeat customers, and gather such information as demographics. By tracking purchases, Cowgirl Chocolates will be able to send out promotional emails, for example customers could be informed about a special sale, given a discount code, or just be informed about new product creations or gift ideas. Additionally, a short survey should be added after the purchase is completed to gather valuable customer information (see appendix for sample survey questions). This would be the cheapest method of doing market research and establishing a target market. By tracking customers, the company will also determine who its main competitors are. Cowgirl Chocolates could be competing with other premium chocolate manufacturers, spicy packaged food, or gift websites. Another advantage of using the internet as a distribution channel is that Cowgirl Chocolates can be sold internationally. Markets in other countries can be entered with little to no initial investment. This will again offer opportunity to feel out markets in other countries that could be physically entered at a future point of time. Secondly, Marilyn should put effort on finding a wholesaler for her product that will take over crucial tasks that she is currently trying to perform all by herself. A good wholesaler will not only take risk of Marilyn’s hands by buying greater quantities at once, but will also fight for placement in stores and offer promotions to boost initial sales. A good wholesaler will select the right distribution channels and retail outlets using years of experience and expertise that Marilyn is lacking. Using a wholesaler will free up some time for Marilyn and allow her to concentrate on other aspects of her business like product creation and design. Half of the product portfolio currently only constitutes for 5% of total sales. These products should be discontinued since a wholesaler will most likely not carry them. Using the market research gathered from the Cowgirl Chocolate website, Marylin can effectively advertise by choosing the right channels and targeting the right customers. An advertising budget can be set apart and adjusted to the seasons with the highest sales. More emphasis should be placed on seasonal advertising such as during Christmas, Easter, or Valentine’s Day to take advantage of the gift aspect of Cowgirl Chocolates. We recommend that Cowgirl Chocolate sell their chocolate to spicy food restaurant for them to give to customers at the end of their meal. This would create more product awareness among consumers who already enjoy spicy foods. In addition to the internet and wholesale business, this can be a third distribution channel. Finally, we recommend that Marilyn should capitalize on effective free marketing, such as a local newspaper or news programs and have them run a story on her product. The cookbook would be a good form of promotion for her product. Marilyn could use it to generate more customer awareness and include recipes for different uses of the Cowgirl Chocolate.

My Theory of Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Theory of Literacy - Essay Example Computer skills are needed in education as well as in the job. What good an individual that can just read and write do in the contemporary organization in which manual work has been replaced with mechanical work? In the past, individuals with an ability to write and read were considered literate because these two skills sufficed to be employed in any organization, but contemporary organizations are way more demanding. The contemporary definition of literacy is incomplete unless the significance of computer skills is acknowledged and set as one of the criteria for judgment of an individual literacy. Charles Bazerman defined literacy in these words, â€Å"Literacy does not require or inexorably lead to any particular development, but it is a powerful tool available for organizing, extending, providing resources for, and transforming all of our social endeavors† (Bazerman cited in Goggin). Writing is conventionally associated with creativity. Every piece of writing has to be orig inal or it would be considered as plagiarized. Thus, writing is essentially a creation and the writer is an inventor, but Bazerman does not consider such a person necessarily literate. His definition of literacy requires a literate person to be able to organize, promote, support and transform his/her social efforts using his/her literary skills. All of these functions are achieved with a computer these days. Computer helps organize the data. Programs like Microsoft Excel help not only organize the data, but also perform different kinds of functions upon it. Programs like Corel Draw transform imagination into reality. An in-depth analysis of the computer skills suggests that use of computer does a lot to improve a person’s social and critical analysis skills. â€Å"Many contemporary perspectives on literacy view scripted text as one component of complex acts and practices of written communication that occur in social contexts† (Goggin). Modern age is characterized by so cial media. Today, writing has evolved so much that it encapsulates a lot of linguistic styles that were unknown to the writers of the past. Old literature is characterized by formality. Modern literature is informal to the maximum limits. In the past, there used to be abbreviations for long words. Nowadays, there are abbreviations for phrases. For example, â€Å"also known as† is written as â€Å"aka†, â€Å"laughing out loud† is written as â€Å"lol†. These are only two of the hundreds of abbreviations that chatting on social media websites has given birth to. Today, an individual who is able to write but does not understand or use these abbreviations in the scripts is as illiterate as anyone in the past who could not write. These abbreviations and such other modifications of literature are a result of the time-based modification in the assumptions and values of people. Robert Scholes had realized the importance of modern and emerging linguistic pattern s in the writing back in 1985. He expressed his realization in these words: What students need from us . . . now is the kind of knowledge and skill that will enable them to make sense of their worlds, to determine their own interests, both individual and collective, to see through the manipulations of all sorts of texts in all sorts of media, and to express their own views in some appropriate manner. (Scholes cited in Schwartz). Of the two texts, Schwartz has presented a more rational analysis of the concept of literacy by emphasizing upon the need to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ancient Chinese Contributons - Essay Example The top ten ancient Chinese invention and include paper, money, iron and bronze, gunpowder, printing press, umbrellas, clocks, compasses, porcelain, and alcohol (Van et al., 2010). Beginning with a close look at the invention of the clock, we find out that researchers claim the invention of the first clocks was the doing of a man who bore the name of Yi Xing. This man was a Buddhist monk and a mathematician belonging to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). History claims that Yi’s clock operated with water that steadily dripped on a wheel that made a full revolution every twenty-four hours. Prior to Yi’s clock, other inventors later came up with different ideas of creating clocks but still maintained Yi Xing’s clock design. However, an astronomer and mechanist named Su Song of the Song Dynasty (906-1272) years later created a more sophisticated clock that eventually developed into the modern clock. The other crucial invention from ancient China was harvesting silk and usi ng it to make clothes and paper (Van et al., 2010). The oldest silk discovery took place in Henan Province at around 3,630 BC. Silk invention did not only become a vital material for making clothes in China, but it also connected China to the outside world in terms of business. Processing of iron ore was another Chinese invention that dates back to the fifth century (Van et al., 2010). Archeological evidence confirms that iron makers used pig iron to make iron but later on advanced to steel melting. The first well-known Chinese metallurgist in ancient China bore the name of Qiwu Huaiwen of the northern Dynasty; he invented a more advanced process of making iron by using wrought and cast iron to make steel. Compass also tops the list of crucial Chinese inventions and contributions (Van et al., 2010). History claims that the ancient Chinese compasses were not specifically for navigation purposes but were rather meant to harmonize buildings and environments in accordance with the princ iples of Feng Shui’s geometrics. In addition, the ancient Chinese also invented Gunpowder in the ninth century (Van et al., 2010). The other common name of gunpowder is black powder, and it is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. Gunpowder acts as a propellant in firearms and as a pyrotechnic composition in fireworks because it burns rapidly and generates a large amount of heat and gas. Paper was among crucial inventions made by the ancient Chinese. A man bearing the name of Cai Lun of the eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) was the man to invent the world’s first batch of paper using fishnets, tree bark, and bits of rope and rags, hence placing China in the forefront as a main contributor to the development of human civilization because paper is currently a crucial element in millions of people’s lives. Currency also originated from ancient China. The ancient Chinese did not invent currency instantly but rather used cowry shells as their means of excha nge. These individuals used cowry shells in trade until coins were introduced in around the fifth century (Van et al., 2010). Decades later, the coins advanced to bronze with a square hole and henceforth became a means of exchange all over China as well as in other countries. Porcelain is among the Chinese inventions and contributions whose main application was in the production of home ware and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Guidelines for Country Case Report ( Viet Nam) Essay

Guidelines for Country Case Report ( Viet Nam) - Essay Example on (ASEAN) in 1995, and thereby of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), and signed memorandum of understanding for commercial cooperation with the European Union (USA International Business Publications 121). Moreover, Vietnam consents to all efforts in support of its economic development and foreign investment (122). Despite moderation of trade barriers and enhanced diplomatic relations with more than a hundred territories worldwide, Vietnam remains true to the communist ideals. The Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) still has control of election of government officials, from the highest to the most minor positions; and prohibits establishment of independent political, religious and labor organizations (USA International Business Publications 122). This is one practice that does not correspond with the concepts of globalization; yet seems to have worked well in Vietnam, perhaps because the greater part of its population trusts that it serves the common good. In this case, it is safe to assume that Vietnam recognizes the advantages of international trade but views all states as autonomous (Harrison)—meaning, interdependence may exist but it does not force all states to follow a resolute pattern of governance as was intended for the Washington Consensus. From the surface, this realistic philosophy of Vietnam towards foreign affairs, that is, making certain actions to open itself to globalization yet is not willing to share sovereign powers with other actors (Brawley 47), appears to provoke conflict among those that consider themselves dominant. Following the game theory perspective, however, this can be associated to a game of stag hunt—wherein cooperation among actors is the key to seizing the best price, although delegation of a leader or each actor deciding on its own strategy does not significantly affect the aftermath of the event. As mentioned earlier, Vietnam puts diplomacy at the forefront of all its ventures; and should there be a risk of tension due to

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Management Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Management Issues - Assignment Example The company has more than 820 stores and 63,000 employees. The company is next to South Africa include working in Angola, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In 2004 the chain opened its first store outside the African continent, in India. All stores are connected to the central computer in Cape Town, whereas sales per quarter are tracked via satellite (Oxford Economics, 2012). The shops of the company are often easy to spot, because they are in a closed area with lots of monitoring. The company is in Africa against many problems. Not only must it offer many bribes (also called the African way of doing business), for an establishment in a country, but also to the company itself build buildings and roads to build. Furthermore, the internal African import tariffs often very high (average 30 to 60% of the value of a product), although there are many, often overlapping, free trade zones (Oxford Economics, 2012). The company is criticized b y some for its low wages. In Malawi, a strike for better wages (at $ 4 per week) answered an ad in the newspaper with the demand for new workers, which stopped the strike. Brazil Brazil is a country recognized with the name of Federative Republic of Brazil, which is the largest kingdom in South America. It is regarded as the 5th largest country in the world both by the population of over 192 million people and by geographical area. On the east, it is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean with a coastline of 7,491 kilometres. On the north borders it has countries like Guyana, Venezuela, and Suriname and on the north-west it is bounded by Columbia. It is a country which is bordered by all the countries of South America except Chile and Ecuador. The economy of Brazil is the 6th largest in the supposed Gross Domestic Product and the 7th biggest in purchasing power in the world since 2011. It is among the best developing economies of the world. It is also a member country of several organization s like United Nations, Latin Union, CPLP, G20, Union of South American Nations, Organization of American States, and comes under the countries of BRIC. Brazil is considered as a land to diverse natural resources, wild-life, protected habitat, and the natural environments (Country Watch, 2012). Brazilian industry consists of 6% Agriculture, 25% manufacturing and 68% services. The long term credit ratings of the country are also stable. In the last decade more efforts were diverted towards securing a sustainable macroeconomic environment. Increased sustainability has lead to robust growth till 2010 which was 7.6%. However, recent economic conditions across the globe have deteriorated the growth. Brazil is expected to take-off in terms of growth at the rate of 5% in 2013. In the long term it is expected that Brazil will not be able to pace up with growth rate of 2013 and the average growth rate will hover around 3.9% from 2012 to 2013. The ongoing world economic crisis including Euro z one crisis has led to depreciation of Brazilian Real. This depreciation of currency has helped in boosting the exports of the locals due to cheap prices in international markets (Country Watch, 2012). Discussion Relations between Brazil and South Africa have traditionally been close. Brazil has provided military assistance to South Africa in the form of training and logistics of war. The relations between these countries increased as a result of the new South-South foreign policy of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Segmentation and targeting Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Segmentation and targeting - Personal Statement Example The major consumer characteristics influencing market segmentation include geographic, psychographic, behavioral and demographic characteristics. Harry and David, a leading internet-retail store that deals with delivery of fruit gifts exemplifies a successful marketing segmentation strategy. In the Harry and David site, segmentation has been achieved through development of a product mix consisting of; Among the various gift segments, the products are targeted to the needs of specific customers using different messages. For instance, the birthday gift segment allows personalization of the gifts by adding a free gift card where the customer can write a specific message. Flower gifts are also tailored to specific occasions like May Day (May 1st), Administrative professional day (April 25th), Earth day(April 22nd) and Nurses Week (May 6th– May 12th) among other occasions. Some of the Promotional messages used in the product mix include; The segmentation choice and the messages used in each category are suitable as they are tailored to provide a personal touch to the customers. However, I would include messages that appeal to the tastes of different age groups like teenagers, young adults and middle-age groups if I was responsible for marketing the Harry and David e-retail

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Cuban Missile Crisis - Essay Example During 1962, the President of Soviet Union was repeatedly accused of creating a missile gap between the US and Soviet Union. At that point of time, Soviet Union was desperately behind the US in terms of balancing the power of armed forces. It felt insecure as its missiles could only be utilized against Europe, whereas US missiles were able to assault the entire Soviet Union. Furthermore, Cuba also feared about an assault from the US army. Cuba was also searching for a way to defend the island from US attack. Due to these reasons, Soviet chief conceived the idea of positioning missiles in Cuba. In order to defend the island, Cuba had approved the plan of Soviet Union to position missiles in the island. This missile positioning strategy in Cuba was intended to enhance the strategic resources and to restrict the possibility of the US threat on Cuba as well as Soviet Union. This was the build-up of a grave missile crisis in Cuba between two global superpowers2. In the US, the crisis started when satellite images exposed Soviet missiles under installation in Cuba. As the US forces scrutinized transportation activities in Cuba, gossips started to flow in Washington. Through the investigation, the US had revealed the presence of defensive missiles in Cuba. Although Soviet Union allegedly declared that there were no invasive missiles in Cuba, US had discovered the existence of missiles in Cuba. This situation resulted in intense arguments within top levels of governments. During the Cuba missile crisis, tensions started to generate from both sides3. Considering the situation, the US had asserted that any kind of nuclear launch from Cuba would be termed as an attack on the US by Soviet Union and consequently it could start a new nuclear war. In the meantime, the US had also directed Soviet Union to eliminate all the offensive missiles from Cuba. One of the most precarious moments of the crisis occurred when the US destroyers were forced to isol ate Cuba4. A

Friday, August 23, 2019

'Critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment' Essay

'Critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment' - Essay Example Before analyzing the impact of war on development, the present paper will first provide a precise discussion of factors that cause war. Structural and determinist explanations of the causes of war or violence suggest that circumstances compel people to involve in war. There can be several economic factors relating to grievances, inequality or scarcity; social issues relating to some kind of ethnic, religious or gender differences; or political factors like incompatible claims to power, resources etc. Some other explanations look at the agency problems and claim that war results from the choices that people’s agency choose and their fight is quite rational. If the previous two approaches of explaining the causes of war are combined, then it can be said that people’s choice of getting into violence or war is shaped by the prevailing circumstances, which may be based on some conflicting interests or differing rationalities among groups. There is no doubt that war has numerous negative impacts on social, political and economic life of people. Many people are of the opinion that war negatively affects development of a country or region. Huge costs are involved in war. There are a lot of studies which have described several negative effects of war. Among various types of costs, the economic costs are the most important ones that directly affect the developmental process of a country or region. According to Dreze and Gazdar (Dreze and Gazdar, 1991, p. 930), the economic and welfare consequences that resulted from UN-Iraq Gulf war was more severe than the suffering that resulted directly from the war. There exists a distinction between direct and indirect costs of war on human welfare. Direct costs imply the destruction that the war causes to the civilization, while indirect costs are those that are realized in the later periods. During war several economic strategies are undertaken which produces huge impact, mostly in a negative way on the development. For

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Social Networking Has Affected the Way We Work Essay Example for Free

How Social Networking Has Affected the Way We Work Essay Social networks are a fun way to communicate, interact with friends, and enjoy online schooling, but are also harmful due to the harassment of cyber bullies and predators. Social networks/medias show their good side when we are all having fun on them, communicating with our friends. It is a fun and interactive way to converse, and meet new people; it gives people opportunities to learn characteristics that they have in common with each other, and make stronger relationships. Some people use Facebook, Twitter, and even Myspace to communicate with their friends; usually it is to make them aware of what you’re doing, going to do, or already have done, and meet new people, all through a fun, inventive way. Cyber Predators find their victims through internet sources, which is often social media, to learn personal information, harass, and stalk their victims; in most cases causing physical, emotional, and/or mental harm to the victim. Cyber School is an effective way to receive an education over the internet and helps to balance a home, school, and work life; getting an education that is flexible to any schedule is a positive development. Social media is a fun and interactive way to converse with friends and meet new people; it gives people opportunities to learn about things that they have in common; and make a stronger relationship. Cyber Bullies and Predators usually affect the lives of teenagers and children because of their vulnerability; â€Å"75% of children are willing to share personal information online about themselves and their families in exchange for goods and services;† A Cyber Bully is someone who uses the internet to torment another person using cruel words and hateful sayings to purposefully discourage them; a Cyber Predator is usually an adult internet abuser that exploits children or teenagers because of their lack of wisdom and their large amount of vulnerability. Others might think that social networking isn’t helpful at all, that there is no use of it, and that it needs to be used less because of the lack of exercise children receive and connection it has to the increasing obesity growth rate or that it has only negative effects on its user’s safety. Social networking has changed how people live, work, and communicate by offering helpful schooling online, fun communication between others, but it also gives bullies and predators another method of victimizing others. Social media, though it may be a fun way to interact with others, can be harmful when it comes to your safety; many people don’t realize that putting much of their information on the internet can invite unwanted problems to your life.Andrew Ferguson, author of the web article, â€Å"R U Tweeting 2 Much?† published by Gale Opposing View Points In Context, in 2011, implies, people spend too much of their time on twitter and they tweet about any and everything based on impulse. Social media can be a powerful tool for social change and an alternative to more traditional methods of communication. â€Å"Consequences from over-sharing personal information include vulnerability to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding embarrassing photos or comments.† No one would want their boss to see a picture on Facebook of their new employee getting drunk, so why would they put it up for the entire world to see? There is a saying that goes â€Å"If you wouldn’t want your pastor at church, your parents, or your boss to know/see, then don’t do it.†, updated in 2012, clarifies that, â€Å"43% of online sexual solicitors were identified as being adolescents (under 18), 30% were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of 21 (as of Dec. 31, 2008).† Predators can be any age; so if someone gets a friend request from a random person that they’ve never met before, but is the same age as them, they will probably accept the request; they think that because we are the same age, that the person must want to get to know me. Most people don’t worry about the harm that an unknown Facebook friend, or Twitter follower is capable of; they mostly think â€Å"Yay! A new follower/friend! I’m so popular!† Well, yeah, maybe they’re popular in the mind of a predator, but people should still watch out for situations like that because you never know when your life is at risk. Cyber bullying is a form of harassment via social networks; it causes its victims – mainly teenagers between the ages of fourteen and seventeen – to become emotionally and mentally scarred by its use. The web article â€Å"Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?† updated in September, 2012, urge, social networking sites make cyber bullying a form of bullying that occurs online easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. Cyber bullying can be classified as just commenting on someone’s picture on Facebook, saying that their hair is really messed up. But other form’s of cyber bullying can be calling someone out in a status, calling them ugly, or fat, or any hurtful word. It can differ, but all forms of it can be hurtful and send anyone of the edge. The web article â€Å"Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?† updated in September, 2012, â€Å"A 2009 study found that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyber bullying; victims often experience a drop in grades, decreased self-esteem, and other symptoms of depression.† Well, kids would drop their self esteem because their self esteem is built by their surrounding peers; and if their peers are nothing but a bunch of bullies then it causes a decrease. The web article â€Å"Cyber Bullying Statistics†, published in early 2012, realizes, around half of teens have been the victims of cyber bullying. Many teenagers and children do not care for people who are outside of their groups of friends, so they feel that if they are different than them in any way, or they do things that they don’t do, then they are weird and they don’t like them, so they bully them for being different., suggests, Social networking sites make cyber bullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging†. It’s easy for a child or a teenager to bully their peers, because kids just don’t care how they make each other feel; they don’t care about anyone but themselves in many situations. It’s also easy for a kid to call someone a mean name, but even easier to call them a mean name through a computer monitor; probably so they don’t have to deal with a conflict between the victims in person. Cyber predators find their victims through internet sources; which is often social media to learn personal information, harass, and stalk their victims in most cases causing physical, emotional and/or mental harm to them. Michelle Dean, author of the web article â€Å"Amanda Todd: Cyber Bullied,† published in October 2012, comments, â€Å"The systematic way the harasser allegedly followed Todd to new schools, repeatedly posting the images and threatening to do it again, makes it textbook harassment regardless of the medium.† Some Cyber predators will stop at nothing to get what they want from their victim, no matter how far off the edge it will make the victim go; of course predators only think of themselves when it comes to their own wants. The web article â€Å"Killer Created Facebook Profile to Lure Girl to Bushland,† published by Gale Opposing View Points in Context, in 2012, explains, A man [that stalks] a girl on Facebook, learns all about her life and interests to plot how he would murder her. A man kills a woman by making a fake Facebook profile and telling her that he is a part of an animal association, drawing her into his lies by knowing all of her interests because of shared online information. Cyber predators use the internet as their source to figure out any and everything that is in association with their victim’s life. They are a regular predator, searching the internet for, usually young, victims. Victims are younger because they are the ones that don’t really pay any attention to who they do and don’t talk to through the internet, and are the most open to making a conversation with a random person. Communication between others over the internet can be fun and entertaining, but also it can be taken as a way of decline in our communication skills. Jonathan Cummings, author of the article â€Å"___________________†, published by _________ in ____, insists, Communicating through the internet is not as meaningful or reliable as face to face relationships. Although communicating through a computer monitor can be quite engaging, it isn’t as meaningful as chatting with someone in person; you can’t get the fullness of the conversation because you can’t see their emotions and actions. It just isn’t as much fun as a regular, in person conversation. Jonathan Cummings, author of _______, published by ______, in ____, states, â€Å"Using the internet to build social relationships results in social interaction that is wanting, at least when it is explicitly compared to the standards of face-to-face and telephone communication, to social relationships that are primarily conducted offline, and to traditional small groups†¦the Internet is less effective than other means of forming and sustaining strong social relationships.† For instance, the internet can give you another form of communicating but it isn’t as insightful as having a conversation with someone in person. Many people are starting to enter the huge world that the internet holds, it may be very fun, but you can’t grasp the meaning of a good conversation when you are lacking one of the senses that most people include in their conversations; usually people’s actions or tone is what triggers a good, or meaningful conversation. Social networking has changed how people live, work, and communicate in a positive light by offering helpful schooling online, interesting social communication between others, and negatively by giving bullies and predators another method to victimize others. To help prevent these situations, people could not add others on social media websites that you do not know and are actually friends with. â€Å"Social networking sites have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities.† Although it makes anyone seem like they’re super popular on Facebook when they have around 2,000 friends, they DON’T know them all. Maybe they know about 300 of them personally, but the rest are all people that they don’t even know. It’s not about having a lot of friends, it’s about having a safe life online. â€Å"Social media can be a powerful tool for social change and an alternative to more traditional methods of communication.† Works Cited Carter, Denise. â€Å"Living in Virtual Communities: Making Friends Online†. Taking Sides: Science, Technology, and Society. Eighth Edition. Thomas Easton. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill. 2008. Print. 15 Sep. 2012. Dean, Michelle. â€Å"Amanda Todd: Cyber Bullied.† The New Yorker. Web. 15 Sep. 2012 Ferguson, Andrew. R U Tweeting 2 Much? Commentary 131.1 (2011): 72+. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 12 Sep. 2012. Killer created fake Facebook profile to lure girl to bushland. Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, Australia] 1 Sept. 2012: 5. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 12 Sep. 2012 â€Å"Social Networking.† ProCon. 12 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Sep. 2012. Tsukayama, Hayley. Dreams of Ray Bradbury: Predictions That Came True. Washington Post 6 June 2012. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 12 Sep. 2012.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Will Positive behavior Modification Decrease the Amount of Negative-Seeking Attention of a Child Essay Example for Free

Will Positive behavior Modification Decrease the Amount of Negative-Seeking Attention of a Child Essay Teaching is a challenging profession especially if the teacher is handling children. Children, when they want to have attention, will do anything just to have it. They do anything positively or negatively just to have the attention that he wants. Children most of the time do it positively, however some would do it negatively. Say for example, in a school setting, the child may seek for the attention of the teacher thus in class he misbehaves. He doesn’t really care as to what attention he would be getting, be it praise or a reprimand, for as long as he gets the attention, he likes it. To a child an attention from an adult is very important. Sometimes, it is just but normal that children seek approval and attention but if this is too much, this could become a problem because the child would tend to be controlling. This action may then result in a situation where the child controls your life. The very reason for misbehavior in young children is to get attention, and in their later life, this may cause discipline problems (Severe, 2000). One of my 5th grade students, a male one, misbehaves that he is disturbing the class and distracts me as well. When he does this, I reprimand him however what he does is that he behaves for a while and then misbehaves again. I wanted to figure out what seems to be the problem with this child and I found out that he just wants some attention. He has this negative-attention seeking behavior wherein he does tricks just to get anyone’s attention. Everyday he has new tricks that he plays so he can have the attention that he wants. One time he threw a crumpled paper towards his classmate just to get the attention of his classmate. Another day this same student loudly talked to his classmate that distracted our discussion. Everyday he gets reprimands from me and he does the same thing again after a while. I started observing the child when he is playing with his friends. He also does tricks to get the attention of his playmates. I asked the other teachers who handled this child if they have observed this behavior and they said yes. This child really needs attention, no matter what he does and what he gets as long as he can have the attention that he wants. He may act negatively just to get the attention he does not care. He wants attention. I observed this particular child from day to day and consulted some books and studies about this kind of behavior of a child and came up with a plan on how to decrease the negative-seeking behavior of this child. This plan would use the positive behavioral modification. The question however is, ‘Will positive behavioral modification decrease the amount of negative-seeking behavior of my 5th grade male student? ’ My plan of action was to employ a positive behavior modification wherein interventions would be done by using techniques such as counter-conditioning, reinforcement and shaping to modify one’s behavior. The first strategy that I employed is the ‘random positive attention’. In this kind of strategy, one must ignore the student’s attention-seeking behaviors while some positive attention would be given at the same time. Say for example if the child would make a noise, just try to look at him in the eye and smile at him. This way he would notice that he is being given the attention. Another strategy is to give positive attention and approval to their behavior when appropriate. This would help the child understand his behavior better (How to handle Attention, 2008). This could be helpful because the child would realize that he is appreciated. This may help lessen his attention seeking behavior because he may feel he is given due credit for. He is gaining the attention that he needs from the people that he wants it from. Say for example when the child perfects his score in his exam, the teacher praises him or if he fails the teacher gives him encouragement thus the child would feel that he has a worth in the class because the teacher noticed him. Another way to handle the attention seeking behavior is to appreciate his positive behaviors and do not give negative attention to his misbehavior (How to handle Attention, 2008). In this way the child may realize that he can only get the attention that he wants when he is doing well. In this way he might change his mind on misbehaving he would try to do positive things to get recognized rather than misbehave and get nothing. Say for example when a child makes noise that disturbs the class, the teacher would simply look at him and smile, that would let this child realize that he is recognized but this is just a temporary recognition and when the child keeps quiet the teacher should acknowledge this in front of the class that the child would feel that he is more appreciated when he is doing the things that are expected of him. Another way to handle the attention seeking child is to make him realize that there are other students who also need the teacher’s attention. He might then realize that he is getting the equal attention that the other children are getting. In this way he may learn to behave in an appropriate way. Say for example when this child sees that the teacher is giving enough attention to the well behaved student he may try to imitate that behavior thus decreasing his negative attention seeking behavior. Another way is to give due credits to the child when he is doing well in class. Give him praise in front of the class. This may make the child realize that he is getting the attention of the teacher when he is doing well in class thus this may make him more motivated in studying his lessons. Instead of investing his time bullying around, he may realize that he may take time on studying his lessons and participate in class. Say for example when the child delivered a good speech in class give him due credit by not just saying that it was wonderful but by further asking the child how he was able to come up with the good speech and that he has to keep it up. Other children may seek attention because they simply want to fell that they are also important. So another intervention would be letting them know that they are important but there are also other students who also need the attention of the teacher. In this way a child may realize that he is not the only student that needs the attention of the teacher. In this way a child may lessen his misbehaviors and learn to consider others. Give the child tasks that you are confident that he can accomplish. If he does, it would make him feel proud about himself and he may fell that the teacher trusts him and that he is important because he was given the task. Another intervention would be, ignore the negative behavior of the child when appropriate. Sometimes children have tantrums, whining, swearing and arguing, and these kinds of behaviors are not harmful to either the child or the other people concerned. This behavior may be ignored and the child may realize that he cannot get attention from this kind of an act thus resulting to the decrease of the negative seeking behavior of the child. A child when he doesn’t get the attention that he needs, he may think of other ways to get the attention from the person that he wants it from. The results were actually positive. I have discovered a lot of things in the case of this child. I learned that a child would really do whatever it takes just to get the attention that he wants. The child would not care if it’s positive or negative attention that he gets as long as he gets that attention then he is happy with it. He would do the same things over and over again if he does not get what he wanted thus we would be on a cycle and the child would not change. With the applied interventions the child’s attitude slowly changed for the better. He was starting to reflect on his actions because he does not misbehave frequently in class. He also became participative in the class. The child’s negative-seeking attention was not really changed but it was somehow slowly decreasing. Changes in attitudes are not that easy to achieve thus it needs patience to be able to achieve the outcome that we wanted. Changes in attitudes does not come overnight thus we need to give time for the child to improve. As the teacher of this child, I learned that my reprimand were not effective as we may got through the same cycle everyday. That if I always give an equal negative attention to the negative-seeking behavior of the child, I might just be tolerating the attitude that he is showing. I also learned that every child is unique. There may be a lot of interventions that are available however this may not be applicable to every child having this kind of problem. As a result of what I learned, I may not have reprimanded the child as I do everyday. The child may just like this kind of attention that he is getting from me but this would not help him change his behavior. The child may just do the same thing everyday. This study may help not just teachers but parents as well who have this kind of child. The children may just need something that they were not able to have either from their teachers or from their parents. A quantity time may not mean a quality time thus what we adults need to look into is the time that we spend with the children. Let us be sensitive to our children’s needs. If the child misbehaves, there might be a corresponding reason for that misbehavior and so we need to know that first before we decide what punishment to give because our reprimands may make the situation worse.

Science Empiricism Rationalism

Science Empiricism Rationalism The term social science is a misnomer which masks the necessarily different epistemic methods and ontological realities consistent with natural and social realms respectively. Critically appraise this claim In this essay I intend to dispute the notion that the term social science is a misnomer. Firstly, I will define social science, and then focus on the differences between rationalism and empiricism without whose existence there would be no epistemology. Empiricism will receive more attention due to the fact that that it has become the dominant epistemic approach, systematically and rigorously expressed through its offspring, ie ,materialism, sensism, positivism and naturalism. Second, I intend to allow ontological realities to manifest themselves through Kants articulation as both an empiricist and a rationalist. This will dispel uninteresting dichotomies and allow one to stand back, as it were, from ones own analysis of the topic. EPISTEMIC APPROACHES WITHIN THE NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES:Rationalism and Empiricism. According to Marshall social science is a general label applied to the study of society and human relationships†¦The designation of an area of study as a social science usually carries the implication that it is comparable in many ways to a natural science (1994 :493). The implication here is that natural and social reality can be studied in the same way because both realities consist of relationships between facts, eg, cause and effect. Note should be taken of the fact that rationalists and empiricists, despite their different approaches in their quest for knowledge, have both contributed immensely to the birth of different academic disciplines to which even modern day intellectuals subscribe. More interesting is that each of the two epistemic approaches claims their method of enquiry gives birth to valid information or certainty. According to Hamlyn rationalism ,whose founder is Descartes is an epistemological doctrine that puts weight on reason or understanding, as distinct from the senses or sense perception(1987:134).On the other hand empiricists believe the only source of knowledge is experience. John Locke held the view that the scope of our knowledge is limited to, and by, our experience(Stumpf,1983:254). RATIONALISM (i)Descartes: This philosophical movement was initiated by Descartes and carried on with varying degrees of thoroughness by Spinoza and Leibniz†¦(Hamlyn, 1987:134). A rationalist relies on logic and principles of reasonableness in order to arrive at a conclusion. One would clarify this by giving an example popularized by Rene Descartes that it is only in relation to thinking that I am certain that I exist(Hamlyn,1987:138).Descartes continues to maintain that existence must be a property of a being who is conceived of as possessing all attributes in perfection (Hamlyn,1987:141).Kant opposed this view citing experience was not a property of a thing in the way that Descartes supposes. Leibniz went further by maintaining that existence depends on whether that conception is coherent or involves a contradiction(Hamlyn,1987:140).One can partly agree with Descartes view that existence is a property of a being, but to say that its creator is perfect is a product of human imagination. Perfection, by th e way, remains an imaginary construct when taking into account the context in which Descartes states his case. For example, in order for one to be declared perfect, one has to adhere to the standard guidelines which should be followed in order to create a particular thing or use a previous model as a yardstick or even improve on it. It is ones belief that rationalism has not been a dominant epistemic approach. Kant and Locke, for example, have imbibed both epistemic approaches. To take it further most modern day individuals employ both approaches in their daily activities. (ii)Spinoza There was also another rationalist called Spinoza in whose views rationalism received its most systematic and rigorous expression. His main work was called ethics. According to Stumpf ethics is concerned with actions that can be labeled right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable, worthy or unworthy. Also, ethics, is concerned with ones personal responsibility, duty, or obligation for his behaviour(1983:1)His concern with ethics should be understood in its proper context in that both the means and goals of social science investigation are intrinsically bound up with ethical considerations, especially when conducting research involving human subjects, eg., protection of privacy through informed consent. According to Hamlyn Spinoza provides †¦a striking contrast with Descartes ,who had little concern with things ethical(1987:149).Spinoza felt that there are three kinds of knowledge, ie, knowledge of vague experience- when we generalize from casual and confused experience. The second kind is identified with reason, and the third one is intuition(Hamlyn,1987:152).The second and third kinds of knowledge reflect a rationalist view in that they are necessarily true, and reason regards things as necessary (iii)Leibniz According to Stumpf Leibniz was dissatisfied with the way Descartes and Spinoza had described the nature of substance because he felt they had distorted our understanding of human nature(1983:246).Spinoza defines substance as that which is in itself: I mean that the conception of which does not depend on the conception of another thing from which it must be formed(Stumpf,1983:241).Leibniz on the other hand takes it that substance as a basic form of existence must be absolutely simple ,for if it were complex it would be secondary to whatever it is composed of (Hamlyn,1987:159).This means that Leibniz and Spinoza somehow agree that substance should not depend on anything other that itself to exist. But one would argue that their view has defied logic in that every entity or substance is an offspring or a product of a particular thing. It is interesting that Leibniz, despite being a rationalist, sought empirical evidence to defend his principle that no two substances can differ solo numero (Hamlyn, 1987:162-163). He pointed to considerations that tree leaves are all different, and subscribed to similar evidence which was assessed through the newly invented microscope. EMPIRICISM According to Comte, empiricism is an epistemological doctrine that all knowledge proper must be subject to canons of verification in terms of experience(Hamlyn,1987:275). Marshall (1994:149) defines empiricism as a term often used, loosely, to describe an orientation to research which emphasizes the collection of facts and observations, at the expense of conceptual reflection and theoretical enquiry. This implies that knowledge must undergo rigorous interrogation so as to be sure that it has not defied science. Empiricism presents itself in four ways: Materialism, sensism, positivism, and naturalism. (i)Materialism: According to Marshall materialism means a range of metaphysical positions (philosophical views about the fundamental nature of reality)†¦Whereas in classical times matter had been opposed to form, the dominant early modern contrast was between matter and spirit or mind(1994:315).Thinking of societies in terms of physical or material properties may be called materialism. We must also explain nature in terms of materialism. (ii)Sensism According to Knight all materialists are of course sensists†¦Locke as one the empiricists, derives all simple ideas from external experience (sensations), all compound ideas modes, substances) from internal experience (reflection) (1999:1-see bibl.12 ).One can argue that sensism is problematic in that perceptions and judgements may differ with different individuals, leading to incessant speculation. (iii)Positivism The acknowledged founder of positivism was the French philosopher and social scientist Auguste Comte. He also came up with the invention of the term Sociology.In the context of positivism, positive facts are things that can be observed or measured. Positivists argue that only that which can be observed and measured can be studied†¦(Le Roux et al,1986:174).This means that positivists regard grounding as very important in positive facts. An example would be Durkheims statement that there is a relationship between social integration and suicide(Haralambos,1980:496).This is real in that integration of people from various backgrounds, with different cultures can cause tension , alienation and personality disorganization According to Keat and Urry several conventionalist philosophers of science have been influenced by the later writings of Wittgenstein, and realist philosophy of science has partly been developed from the standpoint of scientific realism, a position which is opposed both to logical positivism and also to the movement of analytical philosophy inspired by Wittgenstein, Ryle and Austin(1980:6).It must be understood that although the realist and the positivist share amongst others a conception of science as an empirically-based, rational and objective enterprise, there is an important difference between explanation and prediction. Keat and Urry say that, for the realist, a scientific theory is a description of structures and mechanisms which causally generate the observable phenomena, a description which enables us to explain them(1980:5) It is worth mentioning how these varying accounts of positivism and realism expose knowledge as an elusive concept. After ones acceptance of positivism as irrefutable conception of the natural science, realism demands that we discover the necessary connections between phenomena, by deconstructing the observable phenomena. According to Keat and Urry†¦we must get beyond the mere appearances of things, to their natures and essences(1980:5).In a nutshell one can say that we have to peel away layers of constructed meaning to reveal the underlying layers of meaning that were suppressed or assumed in order for the phenomenon to take its actual form. Focus will be on three empiricists: (i)John Locke:(1632-1704) According to Hamlyn, the purpose of Locke is to enquire into the original, certainty, and extent of human knowledge, together with the grounds and degrees of belief, opinion and assent, without meddling with the physical consideration of the mind(1987:168-169).This implies that he is concerned with the limits of human understanding and one is bound to believe that Locke does not want any kind of social construct to be attached to this process, so as to give it independence. According to Kenny, Locke is forever talking about ideas(1994:129).This is evident in his first book entitled Of Innate Notions which contains a sharp attack on the notion of innate ideas. Hamlyn says Locke is concerned with two things: (i)whether there is innate knowledge of principles; and (ii)whether what he sometimes calls the materials of that knowledge; the ideas on which the knowledge is based, are innate. That distinction between knowledge and ideas affects the whole Essay(1987:169).One might assume that Lockes preoccupation or obsession with ideas was prompted by his intellectual rival, Descartes, who according to Kenny wrote that an infant in its mothers womb has in itself the ideas of God, itself, and all truths which are said to be self-evident, it has these ideas no less than adults have when they are not paying attention to them, and it does not acquire them afterwards when it grows up(1994:128). One can argue that innate ideas do exist, and they mature with time because exposure to externalities. The outside world will decide on their validity. Marshall says that Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman, in The Social Construction Of Reality(1966), view social processes as a dialectic of externalization and internalization(1994:167).According to Stumpf, Lockess fellow empiricists Bacon and Hobbes had urged that knowledge should be built upon observation (1983:254).This means that knowledge should be a product of scientific enquiry. Locke discarded the notion that we all came here with a standard stock of ideas built into the mind(Stumpf,1983:257).He said the origin of his ideas is experience, and experience takes two forms, sensation and reflection. What he elucidated was that we cannot have the experience of reflection (mind taking note of its operations) until we have had the experience of the sensation (ideas). (ii)George Berkeley: (1685-1752) Berkeley was influenced by Locke although according to Kenny, his importance in philosophy is largely as a critic of Locke(1994:140).His principal criticisms focus on three heads: the notion of abstract general ideas, the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, and the concept of material substance(1994:140).Because of Berkeleys criticism, Lockes empiricism is reduced into a unique form of idealism. 1.ABSTRACT IDEAS Lockes view that words represent ideas and general words correspond to abstract general ideas has come under attack from Berkeley. Locke says in his Essay, that according to the representational theory, a general idea is a particular idea which has been made general by being made for all of a kind, in the way in which a geometry teacher draws a particular triangle to represent all triangles(Kenny,1994:140).There is also what Kenny calls the eliminative theory, according to whom the general idea is a particular idea which contains only what is common to all particulars of the same kind. Berkeley is interested in how Locke combines features of the two theories. According to Kenny, Berkeley says it takes pains and skill to form the general idea of a triangle-for it must be neither oblique nor rectangle, neither equilateral, equicrural nor scalenon, but all and none of these at once(1994:140).One can say that eliminative theory and representational theory are two sides of the same coin in that in eliminative theory, the idea becomes a general idea when the unwanted group is eliminated. With regard to the representational theory, an idea becomes a general idea when all subscribe to it. Kenny accuses both Locke and Berkeley of using the word idea to mean to mean indifferently a sense-experience, an image, a secondary quality, or a concept(1994:140). IDEAS AND QUALITIES We must move from the premise that one of Berkeleys views is that distance is not something immediately perceived but something constructed from certain orderly relations of the ideas of different senses in the mind. According to Shand, the equating of ideas with sensible things, which thereby makes sensible things mind-dependent, eliminates each of the following forms of skepticism produced by materialism and Cartesianism(1993:132): (a)The existence of sensible things. The problem is solved because the skeptic cannot drive a wedge between ideas if the objects of sense are ideas. (b)The nature of sensible things. Science aspires only to map the regular correlations between ideas ,that is between phenomena. (c)The existence and nature of God. The problem is eliminated by making God indispensable. Gods existence is seen as the real cause of those ideas that are not caused by our imaginations and as the sustainer of those ideas we do not actually perceive, the supposition that God does not exist is refuted by almost every experience we have. (d)How matter and spirit can interact. This problem is eliminated by denying the existence of material substance; then the problem of interaction between spirit and matter simply does not arise(1993:132-133) The implication here is that Berkeley believes that anything that can be sensed actually exists. THE CONCEPT OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCE (i) One should also note that Berkeley is an opponent of materialism. According to Shand, Berkeley it is impossible for matter to have only primary qualities such as extension, solidity, movement. He believes that we cannot conceive of a shape which is no colour, and therefore the conception of matter required for materialism is impossible. He instead suggests that all matter should have all secondary qualities, from which primary qualities cannot be separated (1993:133).One can assume that he is referring to qualities such as weight, sound, taste and identity. To say that every matter must be able to move is not accurately correct in that not all matter is a living organism; (ii) Berkeley says that what exists has got to be a product of something. In his own words he argues that it is a logical contradiction to talk of conceiving of a thing which exists unconceived (Shand,1993:133).But Shand sees this as a fallacious argument in that it is not possible for A to be conceived of, and at the same time both exist and be a thing unconceived, but that does not mean at some other time A could not exist as an unconceived-of A, thus there is nothing contradictory in A existing unthought about (1993;133).This means that A does not necessarily have to be thought about in order to exist. (iii) Berkeley argues that if secondary qualities (colour, taste, heat, sound, etc.) are ideas in the mind, as Locke does, then the same applies to primary qualities (shape, size, motion, solidity),for these two vary with the observer (Shand, 1993:133).Colour is arguably not an idea in the mind because one can see it. It is not clear whether, according to Berkeley, secondary qualities also include things that one cannot touch. (iv) This argument pertains to pain and heat. Berkeley holds the view that when we are close to the, heat is felt as pain in the mind, and when we are a distance away the heat is merely felt as warmth (Shand,1993:133-134).The argument here is that since the pain is not in the fire, then it must be in the mind. (v) Berkeley compares the notion of matter with what Locke has to say about substance in general. Locke suggests that substance is characterized by being the support of all qualities, the qualities cannot subsist alone. But Berkeley argues that an attempt to give substance a positive characterization is impossible, since to do so would attribute qualities to it. This would render substance a qualityless something. Although Berkeley sees this as a perfectly flawless argument, he believes that no materialist would suggest that matter is qualityless (Kenny,1994:134).This would mean that substance and qualities cannot exist in the absence of the other. DAVID HUME (1711-1776) He is said to have carried empiricism to its fullest expression. He believed the scientific method could lead us to a clear understanding of human nature and in particular the workings of the human mind(Stumpf, 1983:270-271).Some commentators find it difficult the precise position of Hume. The difference with Hume was that if we used the scientific method to determine truth, we must according to Stumpf, accept the limits of knowledge(1983:272).Probably he was expressing doubt about the efficacy of scientific enquiry in clarifying pertinent issues. According to Hamlyn, the doctrine that every simple idea is derived from simple impression is the center-point of Humes empiricism, and that it is crucial for his philosophy(1987:190).Both Hume and Locke opine that impressions are of sensation but disagree on reflection because Humes account seems different from Lockes. He (Hume) holds the view that impressions are distinguishable from ideas by their superior force and vivacity(Hamlyn,1987:190).This might be the case because of the complexity of impressions. Hamlyn sees this as a very important principle, and one which Hume inherited from Berkeley which is :one cannot distinguish between impressions and ideas by reference to anything outside them, only by internal properties such as their liveliness(1987:190).One can simplify this by making reference to pain. The only person who feels the pain is the one who is hurt and nobody else. One cannot for example, merely look at the husband and confirm that the wife is feeling pain , nor can the husband know how much pain is felt by the wife. NATURALISM According to Knight, naturalism consists essentially in looking upon nature as the one original and fundamental source of all that exists, and in attempting to explain everything in terms of nature(1999:1). What this means is that all events find their satisfactory experience within nature itself. There are two traditions that claim to understand the problem of naturalism. These are the naturalist and anti-naturalist traditions. The former claims that the sciences are (actually or ideally) unified with positivist principles. For the latter the subject matter of the social sciences consists essentially of meaningful objects, and their aim is the elucidation of the meaning of these objects(Bhaskar, 1979:241). A naturalist traditions association with positivist principles means that it relies on measurement and observation in order to study a phenomenon. The anti-naturalist tradition, one would argue, looks beyond observable phenomena by enquiring as to what the object is made of. Bhaskar argues that the two disputants ironically share a common error in accepting an essentially positivist account of natural science, or at least an empiricist ontology. One would argue that there is nothing wrong in adopting a positivist approach when interrogating natural science, because essentially positivism deals with things that can be observed and measured. It must be understood that there is a fundamental contrast between social and natural science. With regard to the latter the discovery of intelligible connections in its subject matter is not equally the goal of natural scientific explanation(Bhaskar,1979:2). Instead this applies to social science. It is argued that the recent developments in the philosophy of science permit a reconsideration of the problem of naturalism(Bhaskar, 1979:3). These could be the varying views brought about by the naturalists and anti-naturalists. For example, Winchs anti-naturalism depends on empiricist theories of existence and causality. Now Bhaskar argues that if science employs a causal criterion for ascribing reality and causal laws are tendencies, his contrast collapses(1979:3). This means that if causal laws apply to science, then it applies top both natural and social science, and more important is it has become a tendency; Bhaskar defines naturalism as the thesis that there is (or can be) an essential unity of method between the natural and social services. It has two species: reductionism which asserts that there is an actual identity of subject matter as well, and scientism, which denies that there are any significant differences in the methods appropriate to studying social and natural objects, whether or not they are actually (as in reductionism) identified (1979:3).What is noteworthy is that these factions of naturalism talk in universals almost to a point of denying an opposite view the right to existence. In a nutshell, science is just whatever scientists do, and it is expected of them to differ in the way they solicit knowledge. ONTOLOGICAL REALITIES Marshall defines ontology as anyway of understanding the world, or some part of it, must make assumptions(which may be implicit or explicit) about what kinds of things do or can exist in that domain, and what might be their conditions of existence, relations of dependency, and so on(1994:367).He goes on to say the core of the philosophical project of metaphysics is to provide an ontology of the world as a whole. One will note that by focusing on the world as a whole, there will be a systematic arrangement of the relations between the social and natural sciences. Focus will be on Kant because he is both an empiricist and rationalist. KANT We must move from the premise that Kant is both an empiricist and a rationalist, in that he tried to reconcile rationalism empiricism by arguing that while knowledge itself comes from experience, the mind uses reason to structure knowledge(Prof. McLeary, see bibliography-No.11).Kant is described as a person who was more interested in science than philosophy, with the aim of making it truly scientific(Kenny, 1994:167).This shows that he really is both an empiricist and a rationalist in that he felt philosophy should also undergo the same rigorous interrogation as other academic disciplines, including the natural sciences. According to Kenny the distinction between a priori and a posteriori is central to Kants undertaking. A priori knowledge which is independent of all experience†¦In addition to a priori knowledge there is also empirical knowledge, knowledge derived from experience which Kant calls knowledge a posteriori'(1994:167).With regard to a priori knowledge, one can cite space as an example because yet one knows it exists. A posteriori refers to things we have seen, or touched or even felt. According to Shand, knowledge for Kant, as for Leibniz, had to be necessary and universally valid(1993:161).We are tempted to believe that if information was not universally accepted as fact, then it would not be regarded as knowledge. Kenny says Kant regarded all of mathematics as belonging to this realm: arithmetic and geometry were synthetic, since they extended our knowledge widely beyond pure logic, and yet they were a priori, deriving not from experience but from intuition(1994:168).This is an interesting philosophical statement in that two contradictory phenomena are combined to produce something qualitatively new, independent of experience, an understanding of which does not require one to be taught or even think hard.coeb ebr seebebw oreb ebk ineb foeb eb! Kant says there are two pure forms of sensible intuition, serving as principles of a priori knowledge, namely space and time(1994:169).It must be noted that both time and space can never be touched. After having asked himself what time and space were, he then came up with the answers. He made a distinction between a metaphysical exposition of an a priori concept and a transcendental exposition. Marshall defines metaphysics as a philosophical project which devises theory of the nature or structure of reality, or of the whole world. Transcendentalism is the belief that God stands outside and independent of the universe of which he is a creator(1994:325538). Kant says that the metaphysical exposition of space and time tells us that space and time are presupposed by, not derived from, experience; that we can imagine space and time without objects, but not objects without space and time, and that there is a single space and a single time, infinite in each case(Kenny, 1994:169).We are bound to believe that objects would not exist if space was non-existent, and that they have time within which they can exist. The transcendental exposition of the concepts of space and time shows how we can know truths about space and time which are not analytic and yet are a priori(Kenny, 1994:169). The implication here is that we do not necessarily have to experience a thing in order to know that it exists. CONCLUSION It has become apparent that social enquirers happen to tamper with the supposed objective enquiry by allowing their personal values to feed into their conclusions. Accepting that matters of value are matters of fact, their values must be correct. The mushrooming of social study over the last 100 or 150 years was partly inspired by the notion that social study was a matter of searching for general laws(Pratt, 1978:72).General laws, one would argue, are rather required by the natural sciences. With regard to social science, a particular kind of human behaviour cannot always be attributed to a particular kind of a problem. Suicide, for example, is not seen by every person as a solution to marital problems. Also, capital punishment does not necessarily deter potential murderers. Within natural science it is usually possible to use rigorous investigative techniques by bringing the objects under study into the laboratory. It is not as easy with humans, because one has to get approval from eg, the individuals themselves or the ethics committee. In a nutshell, we cannot employ the methods of the natural sciences in understanding the social world. This is evident in Winchs statement that †¦whereas the scientist investigates the nature, causes and effects of particular real things and processes, the philosopher is concerned with the nature of reality as such and in general(Hindess,1977:3).The two methods are inextricably intertwined despite their different approaches in their quest for valid knowledge and ability to predict. To declare social science a misnomer is arguably inaccurate in that both epistemic and ontological enquiries are social products employed in pursuit of knowledge for the benefit of society. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bhaskar, R. 1979. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences. Atlantic Highlands, N.J. :Humanities Press. 2. Hamlyn, D.W. 1987. A History of Western Philosophy. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 3. Haralambos, M Holborn, M.1980. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. London. University Tutorial Press. 4. Harris, E.E. 1969. Fundamentals of Philosophy. George Allen Unwin Ltd. Great Britain. 5. Hindess, B.1977. Philosophy and Methodology in the Social Sciences. Sussex : The Harvester Press. 6. Keat, R Urry, J.1980.Social Theory as Science. Boston :Routledge Kegan Paul. 7. Kenny, A.1994. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Western Philosophy. Great Britain :Oxford University Press. 8. Le Roux,T., Romm,N. Uys, T.1986. Sociology.Pretoria : Unisa. qtiSgzkEX Visit coursework de in de fo de for de more hypothesis de Do de not de redistribute qtiSgzkEX 9. Marshall, G.1994. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Sociology. Great Britain :Oxford University Press. 10. Pratt, V. 1978. The Philosophy of the Social Sciences. New York: Methuen Co. 11. Shand, .J.1993.The philosophy and Philosophers. Harmondsworth :Penguin Books. 12. Stumpf, S.E.1983. Philosophy :History and Problems. New York. McGraw Hill, Inc. 13. Philosophy of Science, 2001.Philosophical Schools. 14. Catholic Encyclopedia.2002. Empiricism.